Marmot Return Policy Explained (Return Cost)

Marmot is a fantastic place to get outdoor gear for the whole family. They offer clothing, tents, footwear and so much more for things like camping, hiking, and backwoods adventures. But, they tend to have a very strict return policy.

So, understanding how it works will go a long way to saving a lot of frustration later on.

This means when you want to make a purchase, be certain it’s exactly what you want. Not that it’s difficult to make a return, but there are finite requirements and guidelines on which to do it.

Marmot Return Policy

Marmot Return Policy In 2025

Items purchased from Marmot in 2025 can be returned either online or through a store location. They do require an original purchase receipt and allow up to 60 days for the items to be returned.

Does Marmot Offer Free Returns?

Returns are free through FedEx when you use Marmot’s return portal. Here you will get all the necessary shipping labels to send the return. However, it’s important to note that returns are only free when the purchase is done online.

FPO or APO addresses must make a return through the United States Postal Service (USPS). Marmot does not cover the shipping charges for this.

How Long Do You Have To Return Items To Marmot?

You have 60 days to make a return from the initial purchase date. This will provide you with a full refund of the original form of payment used. They will not process returns beyond the original 60 days.

Can You Return Items Without A Receipt?

You must have either the original receipt or the packing slip that came with your purchase in order to make a return. In the case you don’t have a receipt or a packing slip, you can call or email customer service and they will send you a new printout of both.

How Can You Return Items To Marmot?

You can return purchases made on their website by mail. You simply begin by filling out the “Start a Return” form or go to your order history under your account. Once completed, you’ll get a confirmation with instructions to continue returning the particular product along with the necessary prepaid shipping and RMA labels.

You print these out, fill in the necessary fields, and put them in the original box. Seal it back up with your item along with the original receipt and give it to the post office. Marmot will not refund overnight and two-day shipping.

Orders returned from FPO and APO addresses must use United Postal Service (UPS). Marmot does not cover the cost of shipping.

Are There Any Restrictions To Returning Items?

Marmot has several restrictions in regards to returning items, please observe the following:

  • Nothing indicated as “final sale” is eligible for a return. These are usually items priced at $.97 at the end. Also, they will not accept replacement item sales as these fall under the category of “final sale.” Otherwise, you can return all items purchased through their website.
  • You cannot use any shipping service to return purchases made at a flagship store. Those returns must occur at the location from where you bought the item.
  • You can ship a return bought online at a store, but it will go to Marmot’s distribution center, making it take much longer than usual. Therefore, the company advises against it. Regardless of the return method, items must not be dirty, used, or washed and must be in their original condition along with all the attached tags.
  • If you received a damaged item, you must first contact customer service within 60 days of purchase before you can make a return. When the date is beyond the 60 days, you have to contact the Warranty and Repair Department.
  • When you want to return a gift item, Marmot refunds the money to the original purchaser. They do not process any exchanges. If you wish to replace an item, you have to return the item and place a new order.

How Long Do Returns Take?

It takes about two to three weeks after submitting the “Start a Return” form. After Marmot receives the return, processes, and credits it to your account, you’ll get a confirmation email.

However, depending on your banking institution, it may take up to 10 business days to apply to your account.

Returns that are done at a store happen on the same day of the transaction. But, returns are up to the discretion of the store and they can refuse a return at any time for any reason.

For 2022, Marmot is observing caution in regards to SARS-COV-2. Therefore, customers should allow an additional seven to 10 business days for return confirmation. This is due to reduced office hours and staff working from home.